Greetings all !!
I want to ask this forum or you, is there a tool utility Asus ROG "RoG GameVisual" Universal, I mean the tools can be applied to all types of Asus ROG, because ROG GameVisual Bringing ICM file masing2 type laptop itself, I think there must be many brothers who experience things like above when installing Splendid or Rog GameVisual error with ICM file notification does not exist, I think this should be in the solution how can the application can be applied to all types / type asus rog, then for rog gamecentre, most rog gamecentre can applied to all types of asus rog, but turbogear on rog gamecentre only on the type of each laptop, I think this can also be sought solution of this problem, ROG GameVisual is in windows store, but when applied to a rog laptop, the application does not work with error notification on screen settings, while rog gamecentre can be applied to pseudo a type of rog but on the tweak part turbogear not all there is,
I think that's just a question from me, and I think everyone is going to experience something similar, let's look for a solution to this,
dedy narna