ASUS ROG ZEPHYRUS GX501VIK DRIVER DVD wurde erstellt von pettson 09 Sep. 2018 22:34 #47343 von pettson

I downloaded the driver-dvd for GX501VIK but where do I put this "I386" folder to make an factory reset? Iam not able to reinstall windows 10 pro the correct way so I can use Intel RST that I had before (getting platform not supported). I did delete the hidden recovery partition by mistake when I reinstalled windows. Devices are stuck to old windows drivers and can not find all asus drivers with the wizard app. Please can anyone help me to explain how I restore factory partition or reinstall windows with factory settings ?

Best Regards

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kurim antwortete auf ASUS ROG ZEPHYRUS GX501VIK DRIVER DVD 10 Sep. 2018 21:17 #47345 von kurim
HI Pettson,

first of all ASUS don't provide a recovery partition.

And the Driver DVD is not for creating a factory reset, just ignore the i386 folder on it.

You should just do an install with creating a USB pendrive with help of Microsoft Media Creation Tool.
Boot from it an Install your device.

The driver disc is for process after the normal windows installation

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pettson antwortete auf ASUS ROG ZEPHYRUS GX501VIK DRIVER DVD 22 Sep. 2018 01:33 #47350 von pettson
Thanks for tha answer, but how do I install the Instel rapid storage driver? there was an hidden recovery partition when the computer was new, are there any posibilities to restore this ?

Best Regards

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kurim antwortete auf ASUS ROG ZEPHYRUS GX501VIK DRIVER DVD 23 Sep. 2018 11:27 #47351 von kurim
If you do a normal OS install it should look like this:

Regarding RST normaly you dont need to install them during setup, but you can just put the RST folder with the inf files (and some more files) on the usb pendrive and select the during device selection

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pettson antwortete auf ASUS ROG ZEPHYRUS GX501VIK DRIVER DVD 29 Sep. 2018 23:27 #47355 von pettson
I will try it right away ! :)

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pettson antwortete auf ASUS ROG ZEPHYRUS GX501VIK DRIVER DVD 30 Sep. 2018 04:01 #47356 von pettson
still not able to instal intel rst driver like it had from factory

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