

LifeFra LifeFrame 3
Version 3.0.30


Dateigröße 25.27 MB


Downloads 37.638

Erstelldatum 13.03.2012

Änderungsdatum 13.03.2012

System Windows 8.1

MD5 Prüfsumme

(1 Stimme)


  1. FIX: The lifeframe camera screen will black when start the capture video function after first installed.
  2. FIX: The error thumbnails in browse mode after changing dpi.
  3. FIX: Video hang after resuming from S3/S4 during playing recorded video.
  4. FIX: Check if machine is EeePC, AIO, NB will all pass in any condition.
  5. FIX: Some text display not correct in DPI-150%.
  6. Remove the game button in browse toolbar and game tip at the game position in change-mode wheel when not supporting face reecognition (no facelogon).
  7. Remove "slide show" under the video and audio submode in browse mode.
  8. Maximize button must be invisible when system resolution is below 900x602 (the size of lifeframe), such as 800x600, since the window of lifeframe is already maximized.